Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences

Department name when degree awarded

Nutrition and Food Sciences

Committee Chair(s)

Heidi J. Wengreen


Heidi J. Wengreen


Ronald G. Munger


Christopher R. Corcoran


This study involves data from the Cache County Study, which began in 1994 with joined efforts by Duke University, Utah State University, and Johns Hopkins University. It consisted of 5,092 participants from Cache County, Utah, located in the northern part of the state. Characteristics of the population include high participation rates (~ 90%), a majority of participants are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, longer life expectancy than the general US population, a greater than 80% rate of at least a high school education, and low rates of migration.

Subjects cognitive status was screened using the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination or rated by knowledgeable informants using an Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive Decline. Low scoring subjects were examined using the Dementia Questionnaire, an inventory of cognitive symptoms, functional impairments, and medical conditions relevant to dementia. The clinical data were reviewed by a geropsychiatrist and neuropsychologist. Those suspected of dementia underwent further testing and final dementia diagnoses were decided by a consensus conference of experts. Clinical assessment at the baseline interview identified 368 individuals out of the original 5,092 subjects as having dementia. These individuals were removed from the present analysis. Prevalent cases of dementia were excluded in our analyses of risk associated with incident AD.

Dietary data were collected using a food frequency questionnaire at baseline in 1995. A list of 142 foods was provided and participants noted frequency they consume the food or food group. To calculate intake of a specific nutrient, the nutrient content of each food is multiplied by the frequency of consumption for each food. This number is summed over all food items.

Cox Proportional hazards modeling was used to assess risk of incident AD in relationship to folate and B-vitamin intake over eleven subsequent years of data collection. Cox modeling assists in analysis of censored cases (drop-outs and deaths). No relationship was found between folate from food, supplement, or combined sources with dementia or with AD. Similar results were observed for B-12 and B-6.


