Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Department name when degree awarded

Agricultural Systems Technology and Education

Committee Chair(s)

Brian K. Warnick


Brian K. Warnick


Rebecca G. Lawver


Julie P. Wheeler


Various methods, programs, and efforts to educate students in effective and efficient ways have been employed and studied for many years in the United States. Many teachers, administrators, and communities seek to gain a better understanding of and implement programs that will help achieve the academic goals of their respective organizations. Previous research indicates a correlation between some types of classes, programs, and characteristics of students and their academic achievement. Data indicating academic information for three hundred and fifty suburban secondary school students were collected and analyzed to support or refute previous research in this area of study. Grade point averages of these students were analyzed based on the characteristics of gender, age, core and non-core course selection, and enrollment in released-time religious education (RTRE) courses. Results indicated that selected characteristics of students were positively correlated with increased academic achievement. Such characteristics included: involvement in RTRE, the number of non-core courses taken, and the number of core courses taken. Students who were enrolled in fewer courses generally exhibited higher grade point averages. Results also indicated that the age and gender of students had little if any effect on their academic performance.




This work made publicly available electronically on February 15, 2013.

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Agriculture Commons
