Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

A. Alvin Bishop


A. Alvin Bishop


A drainage function, D (un), is developed to describe the rate of fall and the shape of the water table between drains for an infinite series of parallel drains. The drainage function is evaluated and presented graphically for design purposes. The solution of the drainage function is compared with the solution of Glover's transient state drainage equation. The two equations agreed very well, but the agreement was not as good for very high values of √(4αt)/ L.

The drainage function, D (un ), was solved for the point midway between drains and the solution was presented graphically for design purposes.

A drainage discharge function, q (un), is developed to describe the rate of discharge into a drain of an infinite series of parallel drains. A dimensionless curve of the drainage discharge function is presented.

A method is presented to evaluate the rate of the water table recession between dra ins for any initial water table condition.

The effect of irrigation water on the water table between drains is determined, and the rate of recession of the water table after irrigation is solved.

A field method is presented to determine the integrated values of transmissivity and specific yield of an area to be drained.


