"The Status of Teacher Rating in Utah" by Charles P. McGregor

Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Arts (MA)


School of Teacher Education and Leadership


Not specified


Any satisfactory amount of literature or information as to the condition of teacher rating in Utah is not available. The writer therefore has felt justified in making a search for such information.

Education is one of the biggest businesses of the state, a business with which nearly all are concerned. It is a business which calls for vast sums of money to finance its cause in buildings and equipment. A part of this equipment is the teacher, and a most vital part, for it rests largely upon the teacher to shape the livest of boys and girls into worthy citizens.

Since education is a business it should be governed by business methods. By this is meant that data should be available for information and guidance of those who labor in that field. As for the teacher, she should be judged by efficiency from training and experience as are employees in any line of business.



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