Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

Dr. Skidmore


Dr. Skidmore


John C. Carlisle


D. H. Stone


A significant phase of the modern high school curriculum is the program of specialized guidance services to pupils. The importance of providing personalized services as a means of aiding individuals to grow toward social and occupational adequacy is becoming more and more definitely recognized by educators today. Monroe (1), in discussing the literature in this field, gives the following definition of personnel services:

"As differentiated from instruction and the business affairs... student personnel work refers to all activities undertaken or sponsored by an educational institution, aside from curricular instruction, in which the student's personal development is the primary consideration. Student personnel work embraces a philosophy of education which places major emphasis upon development of the individual as a whole--his intellectual, social, moral, emotional, physical, religious, and aesthetic development."

Functions of the high school guidance program, as listed by Monroe (2), include three phases:

1. Legal Background or Setting

Compulsory education

Child-labor legislation

2. Quantitative Aspects

Child accounting

School census

Age-grade progress records

Other statistical studies

3. Qualitative Aspects

Cumulative individual records

Attendance problems

Psychological and psychiatric services

Field services (social work, etc.)

Adequate health services: diagnostic and remedial

Placement services: educational and occupational

Follow-up on placement services

Although the teacher specializes in subject instruction, with guidance experts performing the more technical aspects of the pupil personnel program, authorities in the field generally agree that cooperative planning and frequent evaluations serve to enrich and expand the program of pupil personnel.


