Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

E. A. Jacobsen


E. A. Jacobsen


The problem of this study is to determine, so far as possible, the conditions, reasons, and underlying motives which have led to the dismissal, demotion, or non-issuance of contracts to teachers in the state of Utah during a recent five-year period - 1943-1947, and also what methods have been used in terminating the tenure of those teachers who have been considered undesirable by their employers. The study will seek to reveal the extent to which the professional education associations are influential in determining policies for the dismissal of teachers. It is hoped that from this study some suggestions may emerge which will aid in establishing principles for the orderly dismissal of teachers.

More specifically, these are the problems for which answers will be attempted:

1. What existing conditions contributed to the demotion or dismissal of teachers; and what conditions seemed to permit, encourage, or cause employers to act adversely toward teachers?

2. What reasons were advanced as for grounds or action taken to demote or dismiss teachers?

3. What were the underlying motives given by those responsible for the demoting or removing of teachers from their positions?

4. To what extent and in what ways have professional education associations exerted influence where teachers have been dismissed or demoted?

5. Is there an evident trend indicating an increase in the influence professional organizations are having on the tenure of their members?

6. What are some principles and procedures based on the data collected which may be incorporated in a plan for the orderly demotion and/or dismissal of incompetent and unsatisfactory teachers?


