Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Watershed Sciences

Department name when degree awarded

Fishery Management

Committee Chair(s)

William F. Sigler


William F. Sigler


B. H. Crandall


G. H. Kelker


The Logan River, one of Utah's better trout streams, has carried more than its share of the increased fishing pressure of the past few years. Careful management of the drainage by the U.S. Forest Service has kept the Logan River free of serious water fluctuations and relatively unpolluted by silt and wastes. The only noticeable fluctuations in the stream is the annual runoff cycle which usually reaches its peak in May. This alone has contributed greatly to the ability of the river to withstand the increased fishing pressure which it has done quite well. The increase in fishing pressure can be better understood which it is learned that there has been a 500 percent increase since 1920; and along with the increase in pressure came a relative decrease in the fishing waters for the state as a whole. If the Logan River is to continue to support the present army of angles and retain a harvestable crop of fish for them, the management of the crop and the fishermen will have to be established on a sound basis.

Objectives of the Study

The chief purpose of this study is to contribute a share of knowledge to the sound management of, not only the Logan River, but to other similar bodies of water. Overlooking a single phase of management in such a delicate ecologically balanced area as this renders all other phases ineffective. However, there is much to be learned if the balance is to be maintained.


