Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Master of Science (MS)
Computer Science
Department name when degree awarded
Applied Statistics and Computer Science
Committee Chair(s)
David White
David White
Donald V. Sisson
Yun Kim
The purpose of this paper is to use Markov Chains for the study of youths referred to the juvenile court in the metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas of the state of Utah.
Two computer programs were written for creating case histories for each person referred to the court and for testing for the significance of the difference among several transition matrices.
Another computer program, which was written by Soo Hong Uh, was used for analyzing realizations of a Markov chains up to the 4th order; a third computer program, originally written by David White, was used for interpreting Markov chains.
The paper is divided into SIX chapters: introduction and thesis goals, definition of SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area), statistical background, methodology, analysis and summary and conclusions.
Recommended Citation
Song, Sung-Ik, "Comparison of Transition Matrices Between Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas in the State of Utah Using Juvenile Court Data" (1974). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 2214.
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