Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Human Development and Family Studies

Department name when degree awarded

Family and Human Development

Committee Chair(s)

Larry C. Jensen


Larry C. Jensen


Glen Jenson


Mike Toney


The purpose of this study was to identify problem areas in second families as compared to first families.

A questionnaire was sent to 31 first married wives and 20 second married wives. Both groups had children living in the home.

The first 19 questions focused on parent-child, and husband-wife relations. Respondents were asked to indicate their feelings on a four-point Lichert-type scale of strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

The next section, which was included for other research purposes, asked respondents how prepared they felt for this current marriage.

Following these questions, 12 items were listed asking respondents to indicate if they would have liked more information in these areas before their marriage.

Next, respondents were asked to indicate if problems existed in any of the following 12 possible problem areas--marital success, in-law relations, parent-child relations, avoiding divorce, childrearing, finances, religious differences, political differences, interpersonal communication, sexuality, ex-in-laws and ex-spouse.

Lastly, a four-point question ranging from excellent, very good, good and poor asked for a rating of the marriage.

Demographic information and household make-up was solicited on the last page. A letter of transmittal was included as a cover letter. The letter was hand addressed to the respondent and signed by the researcher.

The results indicate that the overriding problem area in the second family as compared to the first family centers strongly on the parent-child relationship.

It should be also noted that when asked to rate their marriages, wives in their first and second marriages reported no statistical difference.


