Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Department name when degree awarded

Industrial Education

Committee Chair(s)

C. D. McBride


C. D. McBride


Utah is fast becoming an industrial state. A wide variety of industrial concerns, both large and small, have arisen during recent years in mining, manufacturing, processing, refining, transportation and related fields of industry. With the further development in water power, uranium, natural gas, oil, steel, fertilizer and others, many more industrial organizations will likely come into the industrial picture in Utah.

In order to grow, progress and survive in a highly competitive industrial system, an industry must have a strong organization. A strong organization is the result of a trained and experienced management team.

One of the functions of management in industry today is the development of management personnel within its ranks as an essential phase of its plan of operation to enable its organizations to remain strong and progressive.

Some large industrial concerns have become conscious of this problem and in most cases, say they have an effective program of management development in operation. In numerous small industrial concerns, however, the problem of management development becomes a serious one. The nature and extent of this problem and possible angles of approach to its solution constitute an area of industrial development in which there has been little systematic study.



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