Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Economics

Department name when degree awarded

Agricultural Economics

Committee Chair(s)

Lynn H. Davis


Lynn H. Davis


Earnest M. Morrison


The relative profitability of sugar beets and competitive crops were studied in Box Elder and Cache counties, Utah.

Profitability ratios based on enterprise budget data and resource use requirements were used as a basis for comparison. Sugar beets was found to be more profitable than competing crops in returns per acre, in returns to water used and in returns to fixed investment and management. However, sugar beets was found to be less profitable than certain other crops in returns to operating capital and returns to labor. Also, on land rated low in productivity sugar beets was found to be less profitable than most competing crops.

Linear programming techniques were used in studying the production response of sugar beets at various price levels. An aggregated supply curve was developed showing the acreage response in sugar beet production at varying sugar beet prices for the two county area. The price range over which sugar beet acreage was responsive ranged from $11.70 per ton to a high of $16.70 per ton where the maximum acreage permitted in the model was attained.


