Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Economics

Department name when degree awarded

Agricultural Economics

Committee Chair(s)

N. Keith Roberts (Committee Co-Chair), Roice H. Anderson (Committee Co-Chair)


N. Keith Roberts


Roice H. Anderson


Reed R. Durtschi


Jay C. Anderson


Economic development that increases per capita income and creates additional jobs through expansion of present businesses and/or introduction of new businesses and business income is the goal of planners in Cache, Rich , and Box Elder Counties . To help with this goal a Northern Utah study group was organized to gather data on quality, quantity, and use of human, social, physical, and economic resources. This thesis is part of the main study and only includes Cache County.

Input-output models are effective predicting tools. These tools are used in this analysis . To predict different output changes in the economy, final demand was adjusted four basic ways in the 1967 model. University and student spending were removed from final demand. For projections to 1980 final demand was increased by expanding university and student spending. Student spending was increased with university and other spending held constant. Another change was calculated to predict potential influence by changing final demand in each sector one percent one sector at a time.

Results indicate that for economic development, input-output analysis can be used. If demand could be increased, Utah State University could be an effective area to develop since it affects all 32 sectors producing in the county. No other industry or sector affects as many other sectors. In the model, if student population were increased 17 percent, business income in 1967 would have been increased by $2,162,000. If the university and the students were removed from the model in 1967, business income would have decreased by an amount greater than $15,000,000. If the university spending increased 49 percent and student population increased 70 percent (projections to 1980), business income would increase at least $10,000,000.


