Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Plants, Soils, and Climate
Department name when degree awarded
Soils and Meteorology
Committee Chair(s)
R. J. Hanks
R. J. Hanks
Growth chamber studies showed that a relationship exists between transpiration and dry matter production of spring wheat (Tritiaum Aestivum L. var . Thatcher). A temperature of 27 C for a 16-hour day,and 21 C at night were used throughout the experiment. Relative humidities (RH) of 12, 25, 71, and 83 percent and matric suctions of 1, 3, and 9 bars were used a l ong with six fertility levels and a 20-day growing period. An equation was developed from previous equations by De Wit and Arkley to describe the transpiration ratio (Tr = mass of water transpired/mass of dry matter produced) as it relates to evaporative demand conditions measured by humidity and pan evaporation. Time and fertility effects were not included because of insufficient data.
As humidity both increases and decreases from 25 percent, the transpiration ratio decreases. Increasing levels of matric suction had an effect on Tr only at 25 percent RH. As fertility increased, Tr decreased toward some minimum level. Tr seems to reach a stable maximum as plants mature under steady state conditions.
Recommended Citation
Warrington, Gordon Edgar, "Transpiration and Dry Matter Response to Atmospheric Humidity, Matric Suction, and Fertility" (1970). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 3650.
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