Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Department name when degree awarded

Industrial Education

Committee Chair(s)

William E. Mortimer


William E. Mortimer


Jefferson N. Eastmond


David R. Stone


Charles W. Hailes


Rawson D. Child


It is evident that, if industrial arts teachers have subscribed to a set of objectives to guide or give direction to their teaching program, they should be used. It is not sufficient to formulate the aims then lay them aside to collect dust. Rather these aims or objectives should be used effectively as a learning guide. Upon these objectives the teacher should build his whole program.

It has been said that objectives really mean behavioral growth on the part of the students. If such is the case, the objectives must be translated into a desired behavior pattern outcome. The student's behavior at the finish of a course should be different from that when he started or learning has probably not taken place. The teacher must know the various behaviors being sought; that is, the kinds of behavior which he desires to develop, or his teaching is not likely to be effective.

Then the teacher must enumerate the learning activities which will bring about the behavior growth desired. Each behavior change listed should suggest specific items of subject matter that should be included in the course if attainment of the objectives is to be achieved. Only if a learning activity contributes toward bringing about one or more desired behavior changes, should it be included as a part of the course.



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