Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology and Health Science

Department name when degree awarded

Physical Education

Committee Chair(s)

Dale O. Nelson


Dale O. Nelson


Personality traits of women majoring in physical education who preferred team sports, individual sports, or dance were compared, using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).

No significant differences were found between the three groups on seven of the eight MMPI scales used. The dance group scored significantly more feminine on scale 5 of the MMPI than did either the team sports or individual sports group. Gymnasts and swimmers were significantly more feminine than was the track and field sub-group on this scale. The social and folk dance sub-groups and the non-majors sub-group were significantly more feminine than were the track and field sub-group and the snow skiing sub-group.

The scores on the other MMPI scales seemed to indicate that women majoring in physical education tend to have personality characteristics that differ from the norms of the MMPI, and that women preferring particular sports have differing personality characteristics.

On an additional variable of height and weight, it was found that women in dance weight significantly less than do women in team and individual sports.


