Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Department name when degree awarded

Agricultural Education

Committee Chair(s)

Von H. Jarrett


Von H. Jarrett


Eldon M. Drake


Hyrum Steffen


A questionnaire containing 69 curriculum areas for a vocational agricultural program in Utah County, Utah, and a proposed rating scale was mailed to 720 students who had graduated in vocational agriculture from eight high schools; to 14 agricultural teachers, and to 22 secondary school administrators and supervisors from Utah County; and to 28 other agricultural teachers selected at random in the state. Each person was asked to evaluate each curriculum area according to four suggested rating values: no value, has value, recommended, or essential.

The rating from each respondent was tabulated for each curriculum area by total points by numerical rating sequence.

All respondents approved all curriculum areas as having value, but they differed as to degree of acceptability. Four areas received a rating of (1-12) by all respondents. Forty-three areas received total point ratings between 13-56. Eleven curriculum areas were rated low (57-69) in acceptability by three or four groups of respondents.

It is recommended that graduates from vocational agricultural programs, vocational agricultural teachers, administrators, and supervisors in secondary schools be involved in curriculum planning to correlate the agricultural program with interests of students and the needs of the communities and that data, such as revealed in this study, be considered in vocational agriculture curriculum planning.


