"The Influence of Age on the Cation Exchange Capacity of Plant Roots" by Einard S. Haniuk

Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Plants, Soils, and Climate

Department name when degree awarded

Soil Chemistry

Committee Chair(s)

R. L. Smith


R. L. Smith


A yellowing which develops in some plants growing on naturally calcareous soils is called lime-induced chlorosis. The problem is complex, as indicated by Brown and Holmes (1956) and Porter and Thorne (1955). Species and varieties of plants differ in their iron requirements, susceptibility to lime- induced chlorosis, and inter acting soil f actors which affect iron supply (Thorne et al 1950). Chlorosis of plants does not appear, therefore, to stem from a common causative factor. At least a part of this difference has been found to be associated with the plant roots. Thus, through the use of resistant root stock Wann (1941) was able to produce non-chlorotic grapes. These grapes grown under similar conditions without the resistant root stock would have been high1y chlorotic. Certain citrus root stocks have also been used on calcareous soils because they give citrus trees resistance to chlorosis.



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Soil Science Commons
