Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Arts (MA)


Plants, Soils, and Climate

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

George Stewart


George Stewart


M. D. Thomas


The relationship of artificial heating to the germination of seeds has been a subject of more or less interest for the last 75 years. Like other research work, experimenters first had their attention called to the problem largely as the result of innate curiosity. They were interested in the result as measured by germinative power, of the application to seeds of different amounts of heat for varying periods of time, consequently many divergent and sundry experiments were carried out. Seeds of a large number of plants have been subjected to tests and the results recorded. The investigations include the effect of heating seeds in soil, in water, in atmospheres of different relative humidities, in carbon dioxid, in ether, in carbon disulphid and in dry air. Each specific experiment has been associated with various temperatures and with various periods of tiem. It is of interest to note that the actual methods used in determining results are about as diversified as the time and temperature.

This thesis presents data showing only the effects of dry heating seed at high temperatures. Therefore in discussion of the literature only that material will be considered which has a direct bearing upon that phase of the heating problem.


