Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology and Health Science

Department name when degree awarded

Health, Physical Education and Recreation

Committee Chair(s)

Pauline Fuller


Pauline Fuller


Lois Downs


David R. Stone


A survey was taken of selected high schools in Utah to determine their methods of selecting girls for a drill team and also how they organize and govern these groups.

There are similarities in the requirements the girls have to meet in order to be selected: age limit, grade average , skill, rhythm, coordination and flexibility. Most schools have tryouts, but not all. Those that do, have some pre-training before tryouts.

Some of the schools just use class time for practice while others include before and after school. Summer practice is held by most of the schools varying from two weeks to six weeks before school starts . A few practice all summer.

Nearly all of the schools organize and govern their drill team with the help of a constitution. However, these are not used as often as they should be in order to be effective . Leadership responsibility is encouraged and developed.

The objectives of education are slightly more evident in being fulfilled than the objectives of physical education in the drill teams.

All except seven of the advisors are physical education majors and most of them thought this is how it should be. There were very few advisors who did not have any training in drill team work before they were assigned a drill team.


