Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Economics

Department name when degree awarded

Agricultural Economics

Committee Chair(s)

Darwin B. Nielsen


Darwin B. Nielsen


E. Bruce Godfrey


J. Wayne McArthur


Lyle G. McNeal


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the economic aspects of farm flock sheep production in Utah. Using 1979 as a base year, costs and returns were calculated from data obtained from twenty- six Utah farms. Characteristics that typify the states· farm flock sheep production, at this writing, with regard to: 1) the farm flock producers and 2) the farm flock enterprise, were presented.

Various models were dev eloped and examined using Multiple Regression and Linear Programming analytical techniques. Multiple Regression was us ed to estimate the effects that different variables had on the profitability of the sheep enterprise. The most significant variables were found to be: 1) the number of years each producer has been involved in sheep production and 2) number of years rams are retained for breeding purposes. Linear Programming was used to maximize the relative net returns between: 1) a traditional method of farm flock sheep production in Utah. 2) an accelerated production program where three lamb crops are produced in two years, and 3) an intensive program where two lamb crops are produced in one year. The accelerated lambing program producing three lamb crops in two years consistently demonstrated the highest relative net return. Recommendations of future related research were also included.


