Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

John Phillip Dalby


John Phillip Dalby


It is generally recognized that one of the factors which causes variation among the states in the cost of public education is the relative number of pupils enrolled in private and parochial schools. In this connection it has been pointed out that the state of Utah has a very small enrollment in such schools. In fact, a report for the school year 1951-52 shows that Utah’s rank was 46 among all the states, with only 1.5 percent of the total pupil enrollment in non-public schools. It seems reasonable to expect, however, that Utah does realize some savings in school costs at the secondary level because of the so-called seminary or released time program for religious education sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Reports for the school year of 1956-57 show that there were 34,777 students attending public senior high schools in the state of Utah. During this same year 21,147 pupils were attending the L.D.S. seminary classes for one period of each school day. If these students were attending high schools organized on a six-period day, there is a real possibility that the state of Utah saved approximately one-sixth of the cost of educating these 21,147 students, because they spent one-sixth of their school time in buildings provided by the L.D.S. Church and taught by teachers employed by this church. On the other hand, such an analysis of the possible savings might be entirely inaccurate because it was not known whether classrooms were left vacant when the students left for the released hour, or whether regularly employed high school teachers had an extra (free) period in such cases.



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