Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences

Department name when degree awarded

Nutrition and Food Sciences

Committee Chair(s)

C. A. Ernstrom


C. A. Ernstrom


G. H. Richardson


P. B. Larsen


V. T. Mendenhall


Four lots of Cottage cheese were made from the same pasteurized skimmilk; three lots by a direct acid procedure, and a fourth control lot by a conventional culture method. Direct acid curd was formed by cooling the skimmilk to 4C, acidifying to pH 4.6 with concentrated HCl, and warming by electrical resistance to 32C without agitation. Prior to acidification, the three direct-acid lots were treated as follows: 1- No culture, 2- 5% lactic culture added and the pH allowed to reach 6.0, 3- Same as 2 except the pH was allowed to reach 5.5. The control lot was set at 32C with 5% lactic culture, and cut at the A-C end point. All lots were cut with 6.35 mm knives, cooked to 62C in 120 min, washed, drained and creamed. Growth of lactic streptococci in skimmilk prior to making direct-acid Cottage cheese increased the non-protein nitrogen in the milk, increased the firmness and moisture content of the uncreamed curd, and significantly improved the meatiness and body and texture scores of the creamed Cottage cheese. Addition of calcium chloride, disodium phosphate, and sodium citrate to Cottage cheese milk did not improve the body and texture of direct acid Cottage cheese.


