Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Master of Science (MS)
Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences
Department name when degree awarded
Nutrition and Food Sciences
Committee Chair(s)
Daren P. Cornforth
Daren P. Cornforth
Von T. Mendenhall
Haven B. Hendricks
A new product, pork sticks, was developed. Optimum shelf life and safety were major concerns associated with this product. Potassium lactate (3%) or citric acid (0.5%, 0.56%, 0.60% or 0.66%) was added to pork sticks to determine their effects on microbial growth, sensory evaluation, and shelf life when stored frozen (-20°C), refrigerated (2°C), or at room temperature (22°C). Two raw materials, pork blade meat (shoulder meat; 91% lean, 9% fat) and regular 80:20 pork trim (80% lean, 20% fat) were used. The consumer panel preferred lean pork sticks made from blade meat over high-fat pork sticks made from regular 80:20 pork trim, regardless of the addition of potassium lactate (3%) or citric acid (0.5%). Pork sticks vacuum-packaged and held at 2°C or -20°C did not develop bacterial spoilage during six months storage. However, bacterial spoilage and oxidative rancidity occurred in the unpackaged control samples held at 22°C for one month. Incorporation of potassium lactate (3%) or citric acid (0.5%) decreased the color uniformity and red color intensity and increased the brown color intensity of the pork sticks made from blade meat. Vacuum-packaged pork sticks with added citric acid (0.56%, 0.60% and 0.66%) stored at 22°C did not develop bacterial spoilage, but discoloration occurred after one month storage.
Recommended Citation
Su, Yen-Kan, "Effects of Potassium Lactate, Encapsulated Citric Acid and Storage Temperature on Microbial Growth and Shelf Life of Pork Sticks" (1992). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 5393.
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