Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Committee Chair(s)

David R. Stone (Committee Co-Chair), Ronald S. Peterson (Committee Co-Chair)


David R. Stone


Ronald S. Peterson


The purpose of this study was to test the relative effectiveness of a linear and a context program in teaching some selected Persian words to English speaking people.

A survey of the literature did not reveal studies closely related to the present study, but it revealed studies verifying the usefulness of programed instruction in general, and also some limited attempts made to set up programs for teaching Persian to Americans. There has been increasing attention by educators to programed instruction in the last fifteen years. The idea was also supported that there is a need in the United States for the study of some foreign languages, including Persian.

Sixty subjects of both sexes were assigned randomly to either the linear or the context program. The programs included the same words, and they appeared in the same order in each program. The level of performance of students on three posttests given to them was the criteria for judgment of achievement. The amount of time each group spent on the program was the criteria for time comparison.

The principal finding was that there was a significant difference in favor of the context program at the P < .05 level in terms of time spent. Females in the linear program received significantly higher mean scores on list meaning and overall posttest scores at P < .05 level.


