Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair(s)

William R. Dobson


William R. Dobson


Keith Checketts


Elwin Nielsen


The objective of this research was to investigate the relationship between self-concept and goal attainment for assertive training groups. To determine if self-concept is related to the extent to which one's goals are attained was of major interest. Another purpose was to determine if self-concept measures increase as a result of participation in group assertive training.

Subjects were 67 volunteers, students from Utah State University, and Cache Valley, Utah, community members.

Subjects were administered as pretests and posttests the Tennessee Self Concept Scale and the Goal Attainment Scaling procedures including the Behavioral Monitoring Progress Record.

Three groups were formed: 1) AT I, a self-directed assertive training group, 2) AT II, a directed, goal-oriented assertive training group, and 3) a no-treatment control group. Four assertive training sessions were conducted and posttesting was completed.

Two correlations were computed: 1) the pretest TSCS scores were correlated with the GAS scores, and 2) the posttest TSCS scores were correlated with the GAS scores. A test of significance between correlation coefficients was applied to the two correlation coefficients obtained. The two correlations were not significantly different at the .05 significance level suggesting that the extent to which goals are attained is not related to self-concept for the two assertive training groups.

Increases from the TSCS pretest to posttest for each assertive training group were significant as indicated by the analysis of variance for repeated measures. The experience of participating in both assertive training groups was suggested as effecting positive changes in self-concept.



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