Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

YangQuan Chen


YangQuan Chen


Don Cripps


Fon Brown


The purpose of this research is to design a proof of concept system that is capable of locating a hidden radio transmitter and to investigate methods of multi-agent formation control with a specific interest in the effectiveness of these methods on the overall objective of locating this transmitter. A system is proposed and developed in which autonomous agents work together to locate this transmitter and their responsiveness is analyzed while using formations based both on a behavioral system and a system derived from centroidal Voronoi tessellations. Many software adaptations to the existing MASnet program are required, as well as some hardware adaptations, including development of a robust simulation platform that may be used in conjunction with the MASnet system, and exploration of a distributed formation system. While this work does not accomplish the overall goal of the MASnet platform – to be able to locate and control a diffusion process – it does further understanding of the way autonomous agents interact with their environment and develop tools that aid future research in the program, as well as introduce exciting new areas to which the platform can be applied.


