Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Master of Science (MS)
Watershed Sciences
Department name when degree awarded
Watershed Science
Committee Chair(s)
Richard H. Hawkins
Richard H. Hawkins
Joel Fletcher
The relationship between rainfall and runoff was examined for twelve selected Arizona watersheds. Expedient runoff volume model coefficients and runoff curve number model parameters were examined using standardized structure, with modifications to adjust the model for small initial abstractions and large watershed storage capacity.
Forest-land management practices were examined for their effects on curve number coefficients. The effects of rainfall characteristics were also evaluated with respect to changes they induce in curve number populations.
Evaluations included a runoff fraction, a simple multiplier of storm volume to produce runoff volume. The accuracy of this model is promising for more permeable watersheds.
Recommended Citation
Anderson, Robert James, "Relationship Between Rainfall and Storm Runoff For Selected Arizona Watersheds" (1980). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 6413.
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