Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair(s)

Ricardo A. Ramirez


Ricardo A. Ramirez


Earl Creech


Edward Evans


Clover root curculio (CRC) is a pest of alfalfa where larvae feed belowground damaging alfalfa roots. Regional knowledge of CRC activity and biology is limited making the development of pest management strategies difficult. One potential management technique for soil-dwelling pests is the use of biofumigant containing cover crops. Biofumigation can affect the survival and behavior of pest insects. However, biofumigant crops have not been evaluated against CRC or as a rotational crop compatible with alfalfa. The goals of this research were to determine 1) phenology, population sizes, and root damage severity of CRC occurring in the Intermountain region and 2) the direct and indirect suppressive effects of biofumigant cover crop incorporations on CRC and its agronomic compatibility in rotation with alfalfa. First, I observed that larval activity occurred from mid-spring to mid-summer and local larval densities were generally lower than those reported in the eastern U.S. Adult CRC began emerging from the soil in mid-summer having two population peaks. After the second fall peak of adults was when most eggs were deposited which continued through early winter. CRC damage to taproots was cumulative, increasing as stands age, with most damage occurring in the first few years of stand life and mostly occurring in the top 20 cm of roots. While the incorporation of biofumigant crops appeared to be compatible with alfalfa and did not negatively affect yield, in field trials, biofumigation did not suppress CRC, disrupt egg laying, or decrease feeding damage. In one greenhouse trial, biofumigants significantly suppressed adult feeding rates more than non-biofumigant plants but the effect was not consistent. Biofumigant incorporation timing, for field trials in particular, may have contributed to the lack of CRC suppression. Overall, my research provides a better understanding of CRC phenology and activity in northern Utah and will assist in improving the timing of management approaches in alfalfa.



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Biology Commons
