Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Computer Science
Committee Chair(s)
Stephen W. Clyde
Stephen W. Clyde
Curtis Dyreson
Haitao Wang
Young-Woo Kwon
Luis Gordillo
Enterprises that develop software use current technology because of its proven advantages and to accelerate and improve the software development process. Nevertheless, it is difficult to be up-to-date for most professionals in the area. Although students from higher academic institutions need to learn these new tools, and their main purpose is to learn how learn; colleges still need to prepare students for modern enterprise requirements, so they teach new technologies to improve students’ skills. Ubiquitous computing is software and services available everywhere, for example in mobile devices, in different locations, in different networks. This computing requires good communication protocols so the software systems can interconnect properly among them to share data and for distribution purposes.
Developers design communication protocols in repetitive times and learn how to deal with different non-functional communication requirements such as reliability, security or synchronicity. This knowledge is typically collected and presented in design pattern languages, they allow professionals to communicate ideas, problems and solutions for communication software implementation. The application-level Communication Design Pattern language aims to gather this knowledge and make it available to computer science novices and experts.
Most modern software applications need to be available in the network. Developers use cloud computing resources such as virtual infrastructure, software and platforms. These services are available anywhere (anyware). Cloud computing is gradually becoming part of current Computer Science curriculums. Ultimately, we show that using cloud computing resources in programming assignments helps students improve their analysis to reuse skills.
Recommended Citation
Lascano, Jorge Edison, "A Pattern Language for Designing Application-Level Communication Protocols and the Improvement of Computer Science Education through Cloud Computing" (2017). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 6547.
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