Relationships Between Foster home Placement and Later Acculturation Patterns of Selected American Indians

Robert Dean Smith, Utah State University


A survey was made of the graduates of an educationally-oriented church-sponsored foster home placement agency. The subjects for the study had been graduated from high schools in Idaho, Arizona, Canada, and throughout Utah. There were 235 students graduated during the period 1954-1967 . The survey of these subjects was made by the use of the mailed questionnaire method. Responses were received from 165 (70 . 21 percent) of the subjects.

The investigator was searching for modal patterns of behavior among the graduates. Some significant trends seem to be emerging in their post-high school activities. Implications for future studies of the culturally disadvantaged are evident as a result of the study.

The subjects of this study appear to be preparing themselves to become more self-reliant in their own culture and functional in the dominant culture. The accomplishments of the respondents compare favorably with those of their contemporaries of the non-Indian population.