Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Plants, Soils, and Climate

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

L. H. Pollard


L. H. Pollard


A. R. Hamson


R. L. Hurst


Pea1 growers have much at stake in getting high yields of peas of prime quality. The income accruing from a pea crop grown for processors is determined by the yield as well as quality. Therefore the farmers' efforts are directed toward growing such a crop.

Research workers are interested in knowing the yield of peas with known tenderometer values which will indicate the quality of peas. Present methods of field harvesting are costly and time consuming which tend to limit the number of varieties that can be satisfactorily evaluated for trial.

A comparison of sampling techniques with present harvesting methods would determine whether or not a sampling technique could be used to obtain the yield and quality evaluation without harvesting the entire plot.

Because of errors in vining peas, large plots are required to make evaluation of yields. If a sampling technique would be satisfactory, the field plots could be much reduced in size which would result in a saving in the cost of the trials.

In addition, data were collected on the performance of five commercial varieties of peas in Utah.

Thus the objectives of the investigation were as follows:

  1. To determine how good an estimate can be obtained by taking a sample of the crop in comparison with the complete harvest.
  2. To indicate what size of sample is practical and economically plausible.
  3. To test the performance of five commercial pea varieties.


