Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Political Science

Committee Chair(s)

Wendell B. Anderson


Wendell B. Anderson


My thesis, while examining the broad scope of American technical assistance in agriculture to Iran, emphasizes the work of scientists and technicians who went there under contract with Utah State University (USAC). I have tried to make this work as complete as available information makes possible.

There are several problems encountered. Some technicians were reluctant to make comments which might appear to be critical of either the American administration or the Iranian government-cultural climate; some did not receive my letter probably because of a change of address. Reference materials were scarce. In most cases it was almost impossible to separate and distinguish the work of those technicians who worked under a Utah State University contract from the work done by other technicians who worked in the agricultural phase of the assistance program.

I have tried to explain accomplishments according to a date sequence. Similarly I have tried to select examples for each subject from the work of one technician. It soon became evident, too, that most technicians were involved in several projects.


