"A Computer Assisted Program for the Selection of Band Music Relative t" by Kirt Saville

Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Department name when degree awarded

Curriculum and Instruction

Committee Chair(s)

James Cangelosi


James Cangelosi


Dr. Dalby


Dr. Wardle


The purpose of the study was to develop objective grading tools in the areas of key, range, rhythm/meter, tempo, dynamic and intonation control. Each area was considered separately for 17 different instruments of the band. The study included the development of a computer program capable of permitting a band director to objectively analyze the strengths and weaknesses of his/her band, scan all of the compositions which have been entered into its data bank, and then list appropriate matches.

A formative evaluation design was used to develop and refine the evaluation tools. The steps of the formative evaluation design included (a) a predevelopment review, (b) the design of the system, and (c) the development and revision of a series of prototypes including a modified delphi-approach for the establishment of content validity, a pilot study, and a field study.

The study found that the difficulty of band music can be assessed via objective criteria. The results of the pilot and field studies provide evidence that each band composition contains many characteristics which are not uniform across all instruments of the band. The objective analysis of criteria gave evidence of substantial differences between instruments in every category, with the exceptions of Key and Tempo.

The computer system was effective in storing, processing, and comparing the evaluation data generated by the evaluation tools. The computer program also proved successful in locating appropriate matches for ensembles of varying levels of performance proficiency. The ability of the computer program to discriminate in terms of 17 instruments represents a significant improvement in the manner in which band music is currently being selected. The computer-based system gives band directors the ability to locate individual compositions which are ideally suited to the strengths and weaknesses of their individual bands.



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