"Characterizing Water and Water-Related Energy Use in Multi-Unit Reside" by Joseph C. Brewer

Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

Jeffery S. Horsburgh


Jeffery S. Horsburgh


David E. Rosenberg


Sarah Null


As urban populations continue to grow and expand, localized demands on water supplies continue to increase as well. These water supplies, which have been historically stable, are also threatened by an increasingly erratic climate. Together, these two factors have significantly increased the likelihood of long-term drought conditions in the American West. In response, water suppliers are investigating new ways to record water use in urban areas to better understand how water is used. One of these methods is smart meters; advanced devices that can record and transmit water use information directly to the water supplier. However, these devices can produce extremely large amounts of data, which can often be difficult to manage. This research investigated methods for data collection and management to advance the feasibility of larger smart meter networks. The techniques we developed are described, as well as how these techniques were used to estimate water and water-related energy use in several student dormitories on Utah State University’s campus. We also detail how water and water-related energy use were estimated. These results offer insight into how water and water-related energy are used in buildings like these, which may be of interest to water suppliers looking for ways to increase their understanding of water use beyond just the number of gallons used.


