Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling

Department name when degree awarded

Special Education and Rehabilitation

Committee Chair(s)

Sarah E. Pinkelman


Sarah E. Pinkelman


Ray Joslyn


Summer Gunn


Typical teacher professional development for Tier 1 behavior support often involves a “sit and get” training approach. Here, teachers are provided with a brief presentation that outlines the strategy to be implemented then dismissed from the training with the encouragement to implement the strategy in their classroom. This approach often does not result in teacher usage of the strategies, such as behavior supports, presented during the training session. A common challenge to teacher usage of behavior support is the match between the critical components of the strategy and the values, skills, and available resources of those who are implementing, or using, the behavioral support. An assessment of these factors does not often occur in the context of universal, or whole class, behavior support in schools. This investigation (a) evaluated the effectiveness of a pre-recorded video virtual training on a participant’s ability to list the action steps to implement the Good Behavior Game (GBG) and a variation of the GBG, the Caught Being Good Game (CBGG), (b) identified teacher perceived barriers or challenges to implementation of the (GBG) and the (CBGG), and (c) identified teacher preference for the GBG or the CBGG and reasons for that preference. Results indicated that seven of the ten participants were able to correctly describe components of the GBG and CBGG. Qualitative analyses of interview transcripts revealed a variety of barriers to implementation of the GBG and the CBGG as well as a variety of actions and supports needed to address the barriers to implementation. Data indicated that 4 of the 10 participants preferred the GBG over the CBGG. Implications for practice and directions for future research are described.


