Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Journalism and Communication

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

Nelson B. Wadsworth


Nelson B. Wadsworth


James Dour


Thurman J. Lyon


On January 21, 1985, the USU Department of Communication assumed the responsibility of providing editorial content for The Cache Citizen, a weekly newspaper published in Preston, Idaho. The department plans to continue operation of the paper, to provide professional experience for undergraduate and graduate students.

The thesis has a twofold purpose. First, it is an historical document, designed to preserve the details of the transfer and first year of operation by the department, for use by future journalism scholars and historians. Second, it analyzes the transfer, identifies problems encountered and steps taken to correct them, and makes recommendations for the future. This section should aid other institutions interested in developing a similar program.

The main portion of the thesis is divided into four sections: Literature Review, Methodology, Chronology and Analysis. The Literature Review is designed to familiarize readers with dominant issues in journalism education applicable to The Cache Citizen project. The Methodology section justifies the use of a combination of historical and journalistic methods in gathering and interpreting data for the study, and the Chronology section lists the basic sequence of events and identifies topics for analysis. The Analysis is be based on readings in the literature, documents, interviews with participants, the author's 13 years of professional experience in the field and one year as a Citizen editor.



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