Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)



Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

C. J. Sorenson


C. J. Sorenson


D. M. Hammond


Alfalfa-insect investigations, because of necessity, had been neglected in the province of Alberta during the war years. Work was resumed on this project in the spring of 1946 by the writer.

So much progress has been made in the field of insect pest control since the advent of war-born chlorinated hydrocarbons, that it was thought advisable to design an experiment which would test under Alberta conditions the results obtained in Utah where most of this type of research had been previously carried out, and would thus serve to bring investigations in this part of Canada up to date.

It is hoped that this study, which covers numerous, small, related problems, which will serve as a foundation on which future research studies of alfalfa-seed production in western Canada may be built. Most important problems of alfalfa-seed production in this region are:

1. Is the control of insect pests of alfalfa by an insecticide necessary?

2. If this is so, what insecticide, applied so as to minimise its poisonous effects on necessary bee pollinators of alfalfa, will give the best control results?

3. What effect have insect predators on the insect pests of alfalfa under natural field conditions, and what effect has the use of an insecticide, a chlorinated hydrocarbon, for example, on these insect predators?

4. What effect has the use of these insecticides on the amount of tripping and the condition of the bloom on treated alfalfa plants?


