"Long Term Feasibility of Inductive Power Transfer Systems Embedded in " by Nathan J. Raine

Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

Marv Halling


Marv Halling


Andrew Sorensen


James Bay


Electric vehicles (EVs) have a variety of issues that prevent widespread acceptance. Range limitations, charging times, and lack of accessible locations are all viable concerns when considering the future of EVs. This research seeks to address lack of useable infrastructure and battery life by embedding wireless chargers directly into roadway concrete. These embedded chargers would make it possible to charge an EV while it is in transit, addressing many concerns associated with owning an EV.

Embedding a wireless charger, or Inductive Power Transfer System (IPTS), can cause premature failure in the concrete. To determine the long-term feasibility of the technology, it was necessary to test two realistic specimens under normal traffic conditions. Using a hydraulic actuator, the specimens underwent simulated traffic loadings to determine if the concrete or electronics would catastrophically fail. After the cycling was completed, both specimens were reconfigured to be broken to determine if there was a point in which the IPTS would completely fail.

It was determined that both specimens were able to withstand normal and extreme traffic conditions. It was not until the specimens were completely broken that a degradation in performance was found. Utilization of embedded IPT systems in concrete was shown in the laboratory and with modeling to be a viable solution to the growing needs of EV infrastructure.


