Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)



Committee Chair(s)

Gregory Callan


Gregory Callan


Maryellen McClain Verdoes


Tyler Renshaw


Reading is a complex cognitive process that is integral to learning, achievement, and future life outcomes. Students with reading disabilities struggle to obtain information and develop specific interests. Unfortunately, many students in the United States do not meet expected reading benchmarks. Also due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, has presented multiple challenges for student academic reading growth. Motivation beliefs, such as self-efficacy, interest, and goal-directed behavior, play an important role in students’ education and development. This study examined whether motivational constructs change throughout the course of an online repeated reading intervention with self-monitoring. Five elementary students were selected from the Inner Mountain West with varying IDEA special education qualifications and all read below the 25th percentile for their grade. During, the online repeated reading intervention, students were asked questions relating to different characteristics of motivation. Reading fluency gains were reported among most of the participants, regarding self-efficacy, there was significant evidence to support that student self-efficacy improved throughout the intervention compared to baseline. Other motivational constructs such as interest and goal-setting did not have significant evidence of improvements. These findings support that this intervention of repeated reading with self-monitoring may be appropriate for students who demonstrate lower initial levels of self-efficacy.



Included in

Psychology Commons
