Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences
Committee Chair(s)
Breanne K. Litts
Breanne K. Litts
Melissa Tehee
Jody Clarke-Midura
Hillary Swanson
Marisela Martinez-Cola
This dissertation intends to develop an understanding of how culturally centered learning environments impact youth’s relationship with culture. Working alongside a multicultural team of researchers, educators, and designers who came together with a shared goal of designing curricular activities to engage sixth graders with culture, I followed 12 sixth graders for a school year to understand their development of relationships with culture. I (re)conceptualize the holistic process of learning and engagement with culture as Ti-Wu and propose a cultural learning model that helps us understand how youth develop multiple relationships with culture. I further share how multimedia technology mediates youth’s relationship with culture through remixing and reimagining. This dissertation has implications for the ways in which we can (1) design a culturally centered learning environment to engage youth with culture and support the development of diverse relationships with culture, (2) develop youth’s relationship with culture through designing multimedia learning activities in formal learning environments, and (3) decenter Western-oriented research discourse on cultural learning and development.
Recommended Citation
Yan, Lili, "Reimagining Culture With Youth: Relationship and Representation in Culturally Centered Learning Environments" (2023). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 8797.
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