Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Committee Chair(s)

Kelsey Hall


Kelsey Hall


Tyson Sorensen


Kristy Bloxham


Rose Judd-Murray


Julena Bonner


Salt Lake Community College has adopted the Pathway initiative as a part of its long-term strategic plan. Pathway is a student-centered approach to redesigning the college experience by assessing student experience to reorganize and re-present degree programs. Currently, SLCC focuses on adjusting class pedagogy and curriculum to equip students with core college and career readiness (CCR) skills and determine if graduates are utilizing their degree. The Gail Miller School of Business offers students the option of completing their degree online or face-to-face and choosing between degrees aimed at transferring to other institutions or entering a career. However, they are currently missing data on their graduates' CCR and degree utilization for both delivery methods and degree types. This study examines self-assessed CCR among online and face-to-face business graduates to assess and benchmark the Gail Miller School of Business programs. This study also assesses what factors contribute to graduates utilizing their degree for its intended purpose or not. Frequencies, percentages, Mann-Whitney U, two-way ANOVA, multiple regression, Kendall's Tau correlations, and linear regression are statistics used to compare online to face-to-face graduates to determine what factors influence whether a business school graduate will utilize their degree. The results found differences in the online and face-to-face respondents from this study in CCR skill development. The results also indicated that GPA was a factor that influenced CCR development, and that degree utilization was affected by experiential learning and self-determination.



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