Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Committee Chair(s)

Lucy M. Delgadillo


Lucy M. Delgadillo


Kelsey L. Hall


Lacee R. Boschetto


Scott Greenhalgh


Matthew D. Meng


The purpose of this study was to propose sustainability-based curriculum changes to Utah's textiles and apparel (TA) curriculum. This study's specific curriculum change proposals are limited to Sewing Construction and Textiles (SCT) 1 and Sports and Outdoor Design (SOD) 1 courses. The proposed changes were made with the input of 24 Utah FCS TA educators via a research-developed survey on Qualtrics. FCS TA educators were asked to give their input on sustainability topics already taught in their classroom, teaching methods of sustainable topics, potential barriers to incorporating sustainability into the curriculum, and their receptiveness to curriculum change.

The Teacher Attitudes Towards Curriculum Change Model (TATCCM) was developed and validated to measure teacher receptiveness to curriculum change. The TATCCM can be used to determine any group of teachers' receptiveness to curriculum change. Relationships were examined between teacher receptiveness and teacher demographics and perceived barriers to incorporating sustainability. "Years Taught" was the most common significant variable when predicting reactions to curriculum change.

The proposed curriculum was meant to validate Utah FCS teachers' efforts to incorporate sustainability and align the curriculum with FCS organizations. The sustainable principles incorporated into the curriculum were informed by common sustainability topics already being taught, potential barriers to including sustainability in the TA curriculum, variables from respondents' reactions to curriculum change, the National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences (NASAFCS) Education, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) learning compass, and Mezirow's 11 Phases of the Transformative Learning Cycle.

Future research should continue exploring other states' efforts toward incorporating sustainability into their TA curriculums. To support the proposed changes to the curriculum, lesson plans, and professional development should be provided to educators.


