Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

Michael C. Johnson


Michael C. Johnson


Zachary B. Sharp


J. Burdette Barker


Fixed cone valves are commonly installed as low-level outlet devices to discharge water from reservoirs. When discharging water, the fixed cone valves require an air vent to properly operate and maintain the valve. There is a current lack of published information regarding the accuracy of model studies to properly estimate the air demand on the full-size prototype. This research aims to help close that gap by providing data comparison between a model and prototype. Furthermore, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations may be used to estimate the air demand, but the results of such have not been verified nor is information publicly available in the literature. Along with the model-to-prototype comparison, this research aims to investigate the accuracy of using CFD to estimate the air demand.

The result of this study provides a rare comparison of model and prototype data. Providing evidence that predicting air demand in the prototype from a model study is not reliable. A comparison between a CFD simulation and the data collected from the field was also performed. Providing evidence that CFD may be a viable alternative with future increases of computational power



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