Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

Todd Moon


Todd Moon


Jacob Gunther


Mark Fels


In most modern navigation systems, GPS is used to determine the precise location of the vehicle; however, GPS signals can easily be blocked, jammed, or spoofed. These signals can be blocked by canyons or tall buildings. Additionally, adversaries can transmit signals that either make GPS signals difficult to interpret or that imitate real GPS signals and cause a navigation system to think it is somewhere other than its true location. GPS-denied (GPS-D) navigation is the process of navigating in the absence of GPS.

Many methods of performing GPS-D navigation have been proposed and explored. One such method is to use synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to provide information lost in the absence of GPS. SAR is a technique that uses radar to form images. To create high-quality SAR images, precise location information must be used. This thesis explores using the quality of SAR images to improve position accuracy. First, a method of measuring the quality of a SAR image is determined and tested. Next, a GPS-D algorithm is developed that uses this measure of SAR image quality. The algorithm is then tested on multiple sets of SAR data. The results show that the algorithm performs variably depending on the data set and the parameters of the algorithm.


