Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Watershed Sciences

Committee Chair(s)

Karin Kettenring


Karin Kettenring


Erin Rivers


Frank Howe


Wetlands are widely recognized for their valuable benefits such as providing habitat, improving water quality, and reducing the impacts of flooding. However, wetlands face threats from development, drought, and invasive species. This is particularly apparent in the arid west, where upstream water use and drought make water scarcer and contribute to dramatically changing water levels. Here, I investigated revegetation techniques for lakeshore wetlands, using Utah Lake as a case study. Although recent management efforts have minimized invasive Phragmites cover, the desired plant communities are not returning as quickly as needed, highlighting the need to research restoration techniques. Through my research, I discuss the optimal seeding density and elevation, as well as the ideal arrangement of plugs to promote establishment success without excessive competition. The findings suggest that seeding at lower elevations and planting plugs at a less dense arrangement can lead to better outcomes. Additionally, I provide a guidebook for restoration and management of lakeshores in the eastern Great Basin, offering practical applications and background information for nine recommended best practices. Overall, I emphasize the importance of effective revegetation techniques for wetland restoration and the need for further research and decision-making to facilitate successful outcomes for wetlands in the eastern Great Basin.


