The Ute Indians and the Public School System: A Historical Analysis, 1900-1985, Kim M. Gruenwald
The Vox Populi Is the Vox Dei: American Localism and the Mormon Expulsion from Jackson County, Missouri, Matthew Lund
The Working Man's Rendezvous, Tameron Gentry Raines Williams
To Belong as Citizens: Race and Marriage in Utah, 1880-1920, Scott D. Marianno
Transplain Migration: The Church Trains in Mormon Immigration, 1861-1868, John K. Hulmston
Treason Town: Cities as Traitors During the U.S.-Mexican War, Kelsey Foster
Try the Wine: Food as an Expression of Cultural Identity in Roman Britain, Molly Reininger
Uncertain Justice: The Ute Jurisdiction Case and Conflicting Directions in Federal Indian Law, A. J. Taylor
Understanding the Mormon War of 1838, Tabitha Merkley
"Up the Ditch:" The History of Elsinore, Utah, 1874-1977, Ken Cregg Hansen
Utah and Mormon Migration in the Twentieth Century: 1890 to 1955, Todd Forsyth Carney
Utah's Delegates To Congress, 1851-1896, Larry Haslam
Voices of Dissent: The History of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Utah, 1863-1900, Richard Lyle Shipley
"We Are Entitled To, and We Must Have, Medical Care": San Juan County's Farm Security Administration Medical Plan, 1938-1946, John Howard Brumbaough Jr.
Weaving a Religious Community: Monasticism, Authority, and Theology in Gujarat, 1830-1905, Kirtan Patel
Western Duck Sickness: Avian Botulism and Conservation in the Bear River Marsh, 1910-1933, Andrew J. Simek
Westward Words: An Exploration of Western Beats and Their Legacy, Brenna Jones
“Whan the Turuf is Thy Tour”: Analyzing Gender Codes of Burial Monuments in Late Medieval and Early Modern England, Shelbie Durrant
Woman, Wife, Mother-Saint, Scholar, Patriot: LaVon W. Laursen Papers, A Case Study of Utah Women in Politics, Amber A. Laursen
Working on Desert Rails: A Social and Environmental History, Ann E. Vileisis
"Worlds Without End": The Cosmological Theodicy of Brigham Young, James Chase Kirkham
Zababdeh: A Palestinian Water History, Julia S. Templin