Knowledge Masters: Online Educational Gaming for Your Classroom
Imagine assigning your students to play an online game where they compete against one another to master the content of your course. Knowledge Masters is a free Canvas app designed and used by USU faculty that allows you as the instructor to input your own course material into the game. Students automatically receive credit in the Canvas gradebook just for playing, but because the top 10 scores appear on the leaderboard (with the option for you to offer extra credit), and students can play as many times as they wish during the window you designate, the game serves as both a fun review activity and preparation for exams.
Knowledge Masters: Online Educational Gaming for Your Classroom
Imagine assigning your students to play an online game where they compete against one another to master the content of your course. Knowledge Masters is a free Canvas app designed and used by USU faculty that allows you as the instructor to input your own course material into the game. Students automatically receive credit in the Canvas gradebook just for playing, but because the top 10 scores appear on the leaderboard (with the option for you to offer extra credit), and students can play as many times as they wish during the window you designate, the game serves as both a fun review activity and preparation for exams.