Exploring Potential Relationships Between SE, Performance, and Electrodermal Arousal in Engineering Exams
Document Type
Conference Paper
Journal/Book Title/Conference
The American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
Toronto, Canada
Publication Date
Award Number
National Science Foundation (NSF) Division Of Undergraduate Education 1661100
National Science Foundation (NSF) Division Of Undergraduate Education
This exploratory, empirical study examined the potential relationships between self-efficacy and electrodermal activity (a measure of physiological arousal) within the context of problem performance in an engineering exam. Physiological arousal is commonly discussed as a source of SE (Bandura & Adams, 1977), which is known to be important for managing emotions (Bandura, 1994) and predicting exam scores (Gaylon, Blondin, Yaw, Nalls, & Williams, 2011). Yet, the dynamic relationship between SE and EDA in the context of authentic tasks (i.e., exam problems) is seldom explored. Preliminary findings suggests that for erroneously answered examproblems, SE and EDA were negatively correlated; no correlation was found for the opposite scenario. These findings point to the role actual exam problem performance may have at influencing SE and EDA relationships.
Recommended Citation
Christensen, D. et al. “Exploring Potential Relationships between SE, Performance, and Electrodermal Arousal in Engineering Exams.” American Educational Research Association (2018): n. pag. Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/servlets/purl/10161027.