All Current Publications
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Utah State University Extension
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Livestock, such as beef cattle or post-weaned dairy cattle that are not yet milking, are often relatively “tame” (sometimes the term tame may not apply very well) and can be readily approached within a few feet. However, without adequate restraint facilities or enough personnel, actually treating the livestock is often difficult and can become frustrating and dangerous to people and animals. A solution to this problem, which is being rapidly and increasingly adopted, is the use of medication darts. Nevertheless, many in the cattle industry are raising some concerns. What are some of the characteristics of medication darts? Is there any reason for concern about meat and carcass quality associated with their use?
Recommended Citation
Wilson, David J. and Rood, Kerry A., "Medication Darts Are Gaining in Popularity - Do They Affect Meat Quality? Are There Risks?" (2019). All Current Publications. Paper 1954.