All Current Publications
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Utah State University Extension
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Chronic pain and opioid use have become topics of importance as opioid overdose deaths have risen to epidemic proportions throughout the nation. Chronic pain lasts for long periods of time and can be caused by a past injury or have no known cause. Opioids have been utilized to treat pain in the past, but it has been discovered that opioids are better used to treat acute pain and not chronic pain. Opioids can have negative consequences including changes to the brain, depression, increased pain, constipation, sedation, and even death. This fact sheet reviews and explains some of the most successful evidence-based non-opioid methods to manage chronic pain. The methods discussed include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Yoga, Tai Chi, and Mindfulness.
Recommended Citation
Condie, Alise Williams; Yaugher, Ashley; Swensen, Kira; and Voss, Maren Wright, "Evidence-Based Alternative Pain Management Techniques for Chronic Pain" (2020). All Current Publications. Paper 2079.